Saturday, December 26, 2009

My Christmas Happiness

I got some really great stuff for Christmas...pretty dishes, books, a freakin' awesome handbag from my parents, a Crock Pot recipe was fantastic. However, the very best gifts I got this year were the smiles from this wild bunch...

And the reason for their smiles...

I hope you all had a very merry Christmas full of love, happiness and memories to last a lifetime!


  1. Your babies are SO adorable! Oh my goodness! I am glad you had a wonderful Christmas that was filled with smiles! That is the best, isn't it? Stopping over from SITS this morning. Nice to meet you!

  2. That is a beautiful family! You are very blessed! I couldn't believe how excited I was, not for my presents but for them to open theirs!


Comments?! Yes, please! I'll return the love.